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Saturday, April 16, 2011

A "culture" of Hate!

The Jewish Way

Caught on tape

"The only way to fight a moral war is the Jewish way: Destroy their holy sites. Kill men, women and children (and cattle)" Rabbi Manis Friedman

Here we come face to face with extremely problematic ideological concepts, deeply entrenched in the hijacked and distorted version of Judaism, which spills out as a repulsive, appalling, and sordid behaviour towards those who do not belong to the same “Chosen Tribe” :

Quotes from Tanya:
“Soul of the nations contains no good whatsoever”

"For in the [case of the] Jew, this soul of kelipah is derived from the kelipah called “nogah”, which also contains good; and the good within this nefesh gives rise to these positive natural traits"

"[This kelipah] is from the esoteric “Tree of Knowledge” [which is comprised] of good and evil"

והיא מסוד ע׳ הדעת טוב ורע

"From this soul stem also the good traits inherent in every Jew’s character, such as compassion and benevolence"

"But since this is a nefesh of kelipah and evil, how do good characteristics come from it? This matter is now addressed"

כי בישראל נפש זו דקליפה היא מקליפת נוגה, שיש בה גם כן טוב

"The souls of the nations of the world, however, emanate from the other, unclean kelipot which contain no good whatever"

כמו שכתוב בע׳ חיים שער מ״ט פרק ג׳: וכל טיבו דעבדין האומות לגרמייהו עבדין

"all the good that the nations do, is done out of selfish motives"

"Since their nefesh emanates from kelipot which contain no good, it follows that any good done by them is for selfish motives"

וכדאיתא בגמרא על פסוק: וחסד לאומים חטאת — שכל צדקה וחסד שאומות העולם עושין אינן אלא להתייהר כו׳

The kindness of the nations is sin” — that all the charity and kindness done by the nations of the world is only for their self-glorification"

"When a Jew acts in a benevolent manner he is motivated mainly out of concern for the welfare of his fellow. The proof of this is that were his fellow not to need his help, this would give him greater pleasure than the gratification derived from his act of kindness"

"Concerning the nations of the world, however, this is not so. Their motivation is not the welfare of their fellow; rather, it stems from a self-serving motive — the desire for self-glorification, a feeling of gratification, and the like"

Jewish woman arrested and interrogated for praying

Jewish woman arrested and interrogated for praying-2

Jewish women are shouted at and insulted by Jewish men because they wanted to pray

Jewish women are shouted at and insulted by Jewish men because they wanted to pray-2

chairs and ...... are thrown at Jewish women, for praying

chairs and ... are thrown at Jewish women, for praying-2

Jewish woman savagely beaten by Jewish men on Jerusalem bus for refusing to move to rear seat


"A woman who reported a vicious attack by an ad-hoc "modesty patrol" on a Jerusalem bus last month is now lining up support for her case and may be included in a petition to the High Court of Justice over the legality of sex-segregated buses"

Miriam Shear says she was traveling to pray at the Western Wall in Jerusalem's Old City early on November 24 when a group of ultra-Orthodox (Haredi) men attacked her for refusing to move to the back of the Egged No. 2 bus. She is now in touch with several legal advocacy and women's organizations, and at the same time, waiting for the police to apprehend her attackers.

"I said, I'm not moving and he said, 'I'm not asking you, I'm telling you.' Then he spat in my face and at that point, I was in high adrenaline mode and called him a son-of-a-bitch, which I am not proud of. Then I spat back. At that point, he pushed me down and people on the bus were screaming that I was crazy. Four men surrounded me and slapped my face, punched me in the chest, pulled at my clothes, beat me, kicked me. My snood [hair covering] came off. I was fighting back and kicked one of the men in his privates. I will never forget the look on his face."

Shear says that when she bent down in the aisle to retrieve her hair covering, "one of the men kicked me in the face. Thank God he missed my eye. I got up and punched him. I said, 'I want my hair covering back' but he wouldn't give it to me, so I took his black hat and threw it in the aisle."

'Stupid American'

Throughout the encounter, Shear says the bus driver "did nothing." The other passengers, she says, blamed her for not moving to the back of the bus and called her a "stupid American with no sechel [common sense.] People blamed me for not knowing my place and not going to the back of the bus where I belong."

According to Yehoshua Meyer, the eyewitness to the incident, Shear's account is entirely accurate. "I saw everything," he said. "Someone got on the bus and demanded that she go to the back, but she didn't agree. She was badly beaten and her whole body sustained hits and kicks. She tried to fight back and no one would help her. I tried to help, but someone was stopping me from getting up. My phone's battery was dead, so I couldn't call the police. I yelled for the bus driver to stop. He stopped once, but he didn't do anything. When we finally got to the Kotel [Western Wall], she was beaten badly and I helped her go to the police."

Shear says that when she first started riding the No. 2 line, she did not even know that it was sometimes sex-segregated. She also says that sitting in the front is simply more comfortable. "I'm a 50-year-old woman and I don't like to sit in the back. I'm dressed appropriately and I was on a public bus."

Meyer says that throughout the incident, the other passengers blamed Shear for not sitting in the back. "They'll probably claim that she attacked them first, but that's totally untrue. She was abused terribly, and I've never seen anything like it."

On a mehadrin bus, women enter and exit through the rear door, and the seats from the rear door back are generally considered the "women's section." A child is usually sent forward to pay the driver"
end quote

When a MINORITY group CLAIMS that they have the DIVINE right not only to STEAL LAND and RESOURCES but also to RULE the WORLD and ANNIHILATE it, we the people of the world have the right and the obligation to EXPOSE them, CHALLENGE them and STOP their DESTRUCTIVE LUNACY from DESTROYING OUR WORLD

A "culture" of Hate! Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: admin