Sarah and Wes were our first shoot in NYC- we were worried about the rainy forecast and grey skies, but we decided to go for it anyway and I am so glad we did! Sarah and Wes live on from the Hudson, and there is a great park across the street from their apartment building- the perfect spot to start our shoot.

Sarah and Wes met at work... but shortly after their meeting Sarah was transferred to Milan for two years! A romantic long distance relationship followed with Wes jetting to London and France to meet up with Sarah when he could... I love that story!

The real star of the show is Nuggs- the cutest pug on the planet. This little guy is packed with personality... and kibble too. ha ha.

Look at that face...

Nuggs is a little spoiled...

I am embarrassed to say that this photo was taken completely by accident- but I love it.

Sarah mentioned casually to me once that they had a cute little Vespa that they zoom around the city on- of course we made them demonstrate.

They were amazing- in fact I bought two of their CD's as a birthday gift for my sweetie. We had Sarah and Wes practice a little dancing for us... and this shot is perfect.