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Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Gaza Freedom Flotilla Massacre And Zionist official and public lies

By: Adib S. Kawar

We will be most astonished if we hear that any human being with a bit of common sense conscience would be surprised of the Zionist massacre committed against the about 700 people gathered together from forty different countries around the world among whom there were a number of anti Zionist Jewish activists. Zionist officials’ justification of the massacre to send a battalion of hundreds of well armed commandos with various weapons among which tear gas bombs and paralyzing electrical sticks, wwhich were of course the least harmful among the arms used, live ammunitions were instantly fired to defend the “security” of “Israel” on the Turkish touristic ship sailing at about 70 Kms. Away from the territorial waters of occupied Palestine killing 16 Turks and three of others nationalities. “The Guardian” wrote: “There was nothing on board those ships that constituted a threat to Israel's security, s Binyamin Netanyahu's argument that his troops were acting in self-defence has no validity. They should not have been there in the first plac.” 

Gaza: From blockade to bloodshed | Editorial

“The Guardian” added: “What did the commandos expect pro-Palestinian activists to do once they boarded the ships – invite them aboard for a cup of tea with the captain on the bridge? One of those shot and severely wounded was a Greek captain, who refused medical aid in Israel and demanded to be flown back to Greece. Presumably he, too, was threatening the lives of Israeli naval commandos.” Of course the “The Guardian” doesn’t realize that he is talking about the commandoes of  a special g-d of  “his chosen people”, not like the “gentiles” the others.

Israeli forces near the Gaza border in January. Turkey said it barred Israel from multinational war games, scheduled to begin today, because of concerns over the Gaza conflict. Photograph: Uriel Sinai/Getty Images , Monday 12 October 2009 12.50 BST

Israeli forces near the Gaza border in January. Turkey said it barred Israel from multinational war games, scheduled to begin today, because of concerns over the Gaza conflict. Photograph: Uriel Sinai/Getty Images , Monday 12 October 2009 12.50 BST
 Of course the “Marmara” ship was chosen among its other multinational sister ships to commit the massacre on is not because it is the largest of among the peaceful, unarmed (except probably armed with some sticks and kitchen knives), and humanitarian fleet planned to break the Gaza Strip siege, which Zionist commandoes captured and handed over to their top military and civilian leaders, The “Marmara” was chosen among its sisters, just because it raises the Turkish flag. Why, what is wrong with a Turkish flag, wasn’t there was a planned Turkish/”Israeli” military maneuver exercises to take place in Turkey soon, which is a continuation of a long series of such military exercises that were taking place for a long time? It is because the Turkish P.M. Rajab Tayeb Ardogan condemned the recent 2008/2009 Gaza Massacre in which almost 1400 mostly civilians among who there were 400 infants, not to speak about the 5,000 families still in tents after the ruin wreaked by Zionist Operation Cast Lead that almost flattened the 360 square Kms. strip of land housing 1,500,000 Palestinian Arabs whose only fault is democratically electing their Palestinian government that resorts to resistance against Zionist occupation, colonization and continuous massacres, that angered the so-called “only democracy in the Middle East”, which as per it “democratic codes” nobody around the world even the president of its greatest strategic ally, financer, militarily and diplomatically supporter and defender, the United States of America, has no right to criticize its murderous action and land theft to build on Zionist only colonies. The flotilla was carrying for the damaged Gaza Strip prefabricated houses, cement and Iron to rehabilitate the above mentioned 5,000 families still living in tents, in addition to food products mostly baby food for the “future Palestinian terrorists” and educational material to teach them how commit resistance (“terrorism”) as per Zionist terminology.

As per the Zionist state of Israel politicians and most of its imported Zionist population nobody has the right to criticize and stop its war crimes and crimes against humanity. But Zionism is entitled, by its special g-d to tell what is right and what is wrong. David Ben Gurion was asked during the 1948 war about what to do with Palestinians (population of Palestine in 1948 was 1,300,000 Palestinian Arabs), he replied with a motion of the hand meaning, throw them out.

The Guardian added: “This was recognised by the Israeli navy, who said in a statement that it had offered to transfer the aid by land to Gaza. Two years of pressure from Washington failed to persuade Israel to let these construction materials in, for the benefit of the 5,000 families still in tents after the ruin wreaked by Operation Cast Lead.” The Guardian saved us the trouble of replying to this lie as it said bluntly and clearly: “If Israel was so obdurate to the entreaties of its ally, why would it now acquiesce in the demands of its enemies? The fact is that Israel has used its blockade not only to prevent Hamas from rearming, but also to impose collective punishment – as a boot which it applied to the Palestinian throat” Any how what right does an occupier to impose on the occupied not to arm themselves except by the right ofmight to respond to the daily air, land and sea raids that results in daily casualties, demolishing whatever left after the Cast Iron assault on Gaza and grazing the little agricultural land and the remaining infrastructure still operating. The Zionist entity is armed up to the teeth by its own advanced military industry plus all what it gets free F-16S and Apaches and till the end of a long list of gifts of deadly weapons from its great strategic ally. Why not Palestinians manufacture and if necessary smuggle arms to defend themselves and hopefully liberate all of Palestine from the river to the sea, for as long as the Zionist entity is still in existence not only Palestinians are not safe, but the rest of the Arab nation and the rest of the world that it is high time to have the pleasure to live in peace and security.

There was nothing on board those ships that constituted a threat to Israel's security, so Binyamin Netanyahu's argument that his troops were acting in self-defence has no validity. They should not have been there in the first place. The convoy was carrying construction materials, electric wheelchairs and water purifiers for Gaza's people.

But do we expect from the old/new colonialist powers of the world that had the golden opportunity to implant its tool in the heart of the Arab homeland to wake up and raise a firm hand in the face of the rogue state it created to keep the Arab homeland under occupation and exploitation. It is not only the great ally of the Zionist state, but its European Union allies. News said: “After five hours of an open line and meetings between the general European Legation and the foreign Minister of the European Union , Kathrin Ashton, to agree on the text of the statement that the permanent representative shall come out with, Ashton issued a statement saying, “The European Union regrets the human casualties during the Israeli military operation in international waters, against the Liberty Flotilla , and added the European Union pales the use of force against the Liberty Flotilla, that cause a big number of casualties.”

The UN Security Council statement with U.S. pressure is not deferent if not worse, that what came out of ten hours of debates in the UN Security Council emergency meeting..

The United States, Israel's principal ally on the council, spoke in guarded terms. Deputy U.N. Ambassador Alejandro Wolff said Washington regretted the loss of life and wanted a "credible and transparent investigation" by Israel.!!!!

But he criticized the attempt by the flotilla organizers to attempt to run Israel's blockade of Gaza. "Direct delivery (of aid) by sea is neither appropriate nor responsible and certainly not effective under the circumstances," he said.

The big joke came from Israel's deputy ambassador, Daniel Carmon, told the council the flotilla was "anything but" a humanitarian mission. Its organizers "cynically used the guise of humanitarian aid to send a message of hate and to implement violence," he said. This is as if after all what the Zionist entity did throughout 62 years of its existence topped by the massacre in question need any urging to hate it. The term HATE is used by Zionists who wouldn’t bow and kiss the bottom of “Israel’s” dirty shoes and put it on his own head!!!

He proceeded with his lies saying “The organizers, some of whom were linked to terrorist organizations, had forced Israel to launch its operation, which had been intended as ‘a preventive measure to counter illegal breakage of the blockade,’”. All these never ending Zionist wars had been “preventive”. When does this rogue state expect to live as ordinary entity and like human being? The answer is never, because it is where it doesn’t belong.

Israel's blockade of Gaza has been criticized by U.N. officials for causing what they call a humanitarian crisis. But Carmon said, "There is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza."!!!!!
River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

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