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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

International Crisis Group Sweating over Syria

Baath Party Headquarters
Tony Cartalucci, Contributing Writer

The International Crisis Group (ICG) has been at the center of the unfolding "Arab Spring" since the very beginning.

Mohamed ElBaradei, a member of the ICG board of trustees, was literally leading the color revolution in the streets of Cairo along with his admitted underling, Google executive Wael Ghonim. The ICG has also recently made a heeded call for intervention in the Ivory Coast.

ICG includes George Soros and Zbigniew Brzezinski, two men notorious for their extraterritorial meddling and their fomenting of color revolutions in far flung lands.

To explain why they are so eager to pry their way into sovereign nations, despoil, topple, and rebuild them, one only has to look at ICG's corporate supporters.

They include such ignoble organizations as Chevron, Morgan Stanley, and Deutsche Bank Group with equally ignoble intentions that are confidently expressed through ICG's nefarious agenda.

In the ICG's most recent report, "Syria: Quickly Going beyond the Point of No Return," they worryingly state that, "By denouncing all forms of protest as sedition, and dealing with them through escalating violence, the regime [Syria] is closing the door on any possible honourable exit to a deepening national crisis. With little the international community can do, the optimal outcome is one whose chances are dwindling by the day: an immediate end to the violence and a genuine national dialogue to pave the way for a transition to a representative, democratic political order."In other words, the window is closing on Western-engineered regime change in Syria.

The ICG goes on to state that "the regime blames all casualties on its foes -- agents provocateurs and, more recently, jihadis," but they concede that "one cannot exclude possible foreign involvement in the ongoing crisis..." ICG's report degenerates into a hypocritical, somewhat bizarre and uncharacteristically incoherent rant stating that even though foreign influence is evident and that "there are plausible reports of security forces being ambushed by unidentified armed groups, as well as of protesters firing back when attacked," Syria's bid to restore order amidst a clearly violent, foreign-funded insurrection is a "violent, unlawful and disorderly response."

Perhaps the deep pockets of George Soros and the myriad of influential world leaders that populate the International Crisis Group's board of trustees and serve as advisers, are unable to afford a copy of the New York Times paper stating that the entire "Arab Spring" was prepared and directed years in advance by the US. Perhaps the ICG is incapable of reading AFP reports openly stating that Syrian protesters were trained abroad by the US and sent back to Syria to fuel a "ripple effect."

It seems they are also absent-minded of the corporate-funded Brookings Institution report, "Which Path to Persia?" which gives specific acknowledgment to the Smith Richardson Foundation, upon which Zbigniew Brzezinski sits as an acting governor.

In this Brookings report, fueling simultaneous popular revolutions, armed insurgencies, and tempting military units to carry out a coup are openly talked about as viable options used in tandem to destabilize a targeted nation. In addition, "some form of military support" is cited as an absolute necessity when fomenting a popular revolution to prevent it from being crushed by competent security forces. Judging from Damascus' daily claims, video, and photographic evidence, coupled with eye witness accounts from the protesters themselves of mysterious gunmen, it appears the "Which Path to Persia?" doctrine is being carried out in earnest within Syria's borders.

The untenable position the global corporate-financiers are in to intervene further is illustrated in ICG's report where they conclude, "the international community clearly has an important stake in the outcome of the current crisis, even if little capacity to influence it." ICG recognizes how further intervention will make it abundantly clear to the general population that indeed this is an orchestrated, foreign-funded plot - something the world's leaders, from Cairo to Damascus, from Minsk to Beijing have already pointed out.

Despite ICG's apparent resignation to sitting the Syrian conflict out on the sidelines (apparently not counting the already admitted funding and support the US has given the Syrian opposition) it should be noted that a campaign to build up support for a Libyan-style military intervention in Syria is already underway.

The Economist notes that the missing component is the Arab League's support - without which, military intervention is almost unimaginable. We can then expect a concerted and furious effort made to twist arms in Riyadh, Cairo, Amman, and even Istanbul to match Qatar's fervent support for this Western-driven regional conflagration. The impetus to wring out such a concession however, is almost unimaginable.  

Tony Cartalucci's articles have appeared on many alternative media websites, including his own at 
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