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Saturday, May 7, 2011

The NEW Egypt: "George Washington & Nelson Mandela were also 'terrorists'!"


"You upgraded Egypt’s relationship with Hamas. [Former chief of intelligence] Omar Suleiman tried for years to negotiate a unity government between Fatah and Hamas, and you did it in months.
It all started with the new government that came after the revolution. The government — which is now two months old — made it very clear from the first day that we want to open a new page with all the countries in the world....
Hamas is on the U.S. terrorist list.
You want my answer? So was George Washington for the British. So was Nelson Mandela in South Africa. So were Menachem Begin and Yitzhak Shamir. Begin was one of the biggest terrorists and was responsible for the bombing of the King David Hotel. Shamir was responsible for the assassination of Count Bernadotte. And they worked for peace after that. Allow someone who is fighting for a cause to see the light of day at the end of the tunnel and to enter into peace. That is the history of the world.
What will Egypt’s position be in September regarding the recognition of a Palestinian state at the United Nations? I interviewed Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad recently, and he spoke of his desire to see a Palestinian state recognized this fall.
We support it [statehood] very much. We are pressing all our friends. We are pressing the Europeans. We hope they will all recognize Palestine.
Moving to Iran, you recently said Egypt intends to ready to normalize relations with Iran.
No, never. I said Egypt has turned a page with every country in the world. I never specified Iran. [I was] asked if this included Iran, and I said yes. We don’t want to look backwards, we want to look forward. No decision has been made on Iran. Every country in the world has relations with Iran except three — [the United States], Egypt and Israel.
Didn’t they have a big Hezbollah cell aimed at Egypt a few years ago?
They are not an enemy. If you want me to say it — Iran is not an enemy. We have no enemies. Anywhere.
I read that the majority of Egyptians want to abrogate the treaty with Israel. What kind of relations do you want to have with Israel?
Egypt is going to comply with every agreement and abide by every treaty it has entered into. That is the goal of treaties..."
Posted by G, M, Z, or B at 10:58 AM
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