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Wednesday, May 4, 2011


May 4, 2011 by freedemocraticsyria

A terrorist group on Monday opened fire randomly on passengers at Athrayia region in Salamya, Hama Province, injuring three citizens and three security men including an officer and burning a police vehicle.
An official source at Ministry of Interior said that police and security patrols killed one member of the terrorist gang and confiscated two cars after a clash between police and the gang.

The source added that a-500 machine gun and a big amount of ammunition in addition to some car tableaus were found in the cars.

The source clarified that competent authorities are hunting down members of the group who fled toward the desert.

The injured are Lieutenant Adnan al-Khalaf, policemen Kamal Hasan and Ragheb Shaaban and citizens Mousa al-Haj Zakaria, Tamim Ahmad al-Hussein and Mohammad Borhan.

The source added that in al-Thawra region, security forces foiled the attempt of an armed terrorist group which fired live ammunition to terrify citizens in the cars and buses at al-Salamiya – Raqqa highway.
A statement by al-Rhaibat unit in Bi’r Zaidan area indicated to the presence of armed members in 4 cars on both sides of the road firing at the buses and the passers-by.

A security official said “We received calls from many cars at al-Salamiya – al-Thawra highway about a pickup truck that was opening fire randomly at other cars and terrifying citizens. A patrol headed to the mentioned area and we exchanged fire with the armed group. We confiscated two cars and their weapons.”
Citizen Mohammad Burhan, from the town of Halfaya, Hama governorate, said that he was heading in his car from al-Salamiya to al-Raqqa transporting vegetables when he was shot at in the middle of the road by armed terrorist groups, adding that two people who were with him were shot in their hands and were hospitalized.

One of the wounded said that they were asked to stop by an armed group standing in a earthy path on the road of Salamiya, 90 kilometers before al-Raqqa, adding “We thought they were thieves so we didn’t stop and went on… after around 30 kilometers, we were shot at from the side of the road. A bullet hit me in the hand and my friend Mousa was hit in the jaw and the hand. The driver wasn’t injured.”

He said that they went down at the side of the road and the shooting continued targeting15 other passing cars which were transporting vegetables. “Afterwards, they called a patrol which arrived with backup and ambulances to transport the wounded.”

One of the doctors said that they informed the emergency department at Health Department and the National Hospital that there was an accident, and that two wounded men arrived, one with an injury in the upper jaw and in the wrist caused by gunfire, while the other had his left hand severely crushed.

The doctor affirmed that both of them received treatment and are now stable.
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