These notes are not intended to represent the view of any particular speaker but are intended to give a flavour of the discussion that took place.
The evening started off with an attempt to define what exactly was meant by the terms Jewish People, Judaism and Jewishness . Jewish People it would appear is an oxymoron as Jews are not a People in the accepted sense of the term. Judaism is the religion (which most Jews don’t actually practice or believe in).
Jewishness is where the problem lies; it is based on a supremacist Zionist ideology which is present deep down in the supposed non-
Why do most Jews however much they distance themselves from the Greater Israel worldview still seem to stop short in acknowledging the full genocidal dimensions and implications of the Nakba. Probably because it falls outside their atavistic notions of Jewishness, their sense of difference, of a chosenness and exclusivity which makes Jews want to band together behind their eruvs, their ghettos and their apartheid walls. Goyim are looked on as stupid which they probably are inasmuch as they give the Zionists free rein to screw them politically, geographically, financially. The pork-
The creation of the state of Israel was an attempt to turn the ‘ugly’ diaspora Jew into the beautiful ‘civilised’ sabra, Today, as Shlomo Sands has explained, a ‘diaspora Jew’ is a Zionist concept, defining all Jews in relation to the so-
What is the difference between an anti-
If you ask a Muslim what he is he will explain his relationship to the Koran and his beliefs; if you ask a Christian what he is, he will talk about God and Jesus etc; if you ask an orthodox Jew what he is he will explain the concept of the 613 mitsvot and his belief in the Torah. Ask a secular Jew what he is however and he will define himself by what he is not; he is not Christian, not Muslim, not religious, not anything; basically his identity is based on something like the traditional Jewish chicken soup.
The concept of peace as we know it does not exist for an Israeli; he would define peace (his famous “shalom”) as ‘security for Israel’. Despite all the Zionist hasbara, throughout all the wars in the Middle East since before the creation of the State of Israel, that country has never been in any real danger. Israel suffers from a variant of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder with the ‘Post’ replaced by ‘Pre’.

However if one is looking for causes for the Holocaust (and not excuses for it of course) one could mention the perceived betrayal of the German people by the Jewish bankers who (together with the Russian Jewish bankers) were persuaded into using their influence and money to supporting American entry into the first world war on the British side by the promise of the Balfour Declaration, with its notion of a Jewish state in Palestine.
Themes brought up at the Q&A included:
JFJFP decided to use the term Palestinians instead of Palestine in its name due to the perceived reluctance of potential members to envisage any two state solution, possibly on account of their guilt over the destruction that the Jews had wreaked upon the country..
A possible influence on Balfour to push for a Jewish State, back in the early years of the last century, despite widespread hostility in his own Government to he idea, might be due to the widespread use of a Zionist leaning bible distributed by a small group of people that included Theodore Herzl in its number.

Our uphill struggle against the power of the lobby however is changing; the internet and blogging is taking over from the printed media, till now controlled by the Lobby; thus we can organise meetings such as this one without the permission of the self appointed Gatekeepers of the campaign for Palestine both Zionist and anti-
alex seymour